Innovation Success Story: Telekom Ideenschmiede

Our habits and behaviors have changed dramatically in the recent past. The only way to really stay on top of your clients’ needs is to engage them in a constant dialogue and make them part of your development process. Easier said than done. But with the help of our tools for customer communities, structured co-creation projects, and scalable ideation, we have everything you need to start getting true customer-centricity done.

A company that has put its clients first when it comes to new product development is  Deutsche Telekom. Today, over 18,000 of their customers have participated in shaping and improving future products and services. In our webinar, Lara Löhrer, Project Lead for this exemplary initiative, will share Telekom’s key to success and learnings.

innosabi Telekom webinar banner

In the webinar, we cover several formats for customer collaboration, explain how the right software can assist you, and provide examples from companies who have already turned their customers into partners for innovation.

Watch the webinar video below and learn how to turn customers into innovators!
