R&D at Limagrain with innosabi Insight

More and more seeds consider the challenges of climate change, and the market calls for agricultural production systems to achieve better agronomic and environmental performance, which requires innovation.
As an agricultural cooperative owned by farmers and an international seed company, Limagrain takes on these challenges through genetic progress and sustained R&D activity.


Not surprisingly, the Information Research and Analysis team is strongly called upon to deliver landscape reports and competitive analysis. Géraldine Lecomte, research analyst, and Sylvain Liogier, patent librarian, have seen an evolution in the requests sent by the group’s other entities. “In our positions, we see more and more needs for prospective studies for a year. Decision-makers want to get a large view of what’s going on and try to anticipate more the market shifts.”


This trend leads to changing the traditional way of doing market intelligence, exploring more unknown technologies for Limagrain, and gathering a lot of different types of information. “We are solicited more upstream of projects”, said Géraldine.


With the introduction of innosabi Insight, Limagrain has been able to speed up its internal process to feed decision makers with global insights on technologies and market segments. “innosabi Insight is fast, easy-to-use”, explained Sylvain. “It is well-indicated to clear the way and start a study. It helps to quickly get names, companies, and an idea if the market is IP-centric or not.”


In addition, to save time, innosabi Insight brought solutions when innovation intelligence requires going beyond just patent information. “The tool intervenes when the analysis of different sources comes under consideration to outline the evolution of a market,” said Géraldine. “At some point, analyzing just patents or scientific papers separately is not relevant. You need to merge and consolidate mixed information.” Some projects impacted by cross-industrial technology are particularly indicative of the need to break the walls of the databases to identify the opportunities emerging in the market. “You can use the buzz metric to make a link between the R&D of the company and what they are selling. The numerous filters help to focus our work and identify relevant companies or potential partners”, continued Géraldine.