Connect the Dots.
How can companies create innovations when the future becomes increasingly unpredictable? What can organizations do to unite and orchestrate all of their internal and external stakeholders in the pursuit of the “next big thing”? How can we identify potential innovators and sources of innovation
early on and leverage their advancement?

Our second book is about the transformation of organizations into Innovation Ecosystems through the principles of Agile Innovation. It describes perspectives, methods, and best practices for enabling this change and a matching culture of innovation. Its goal is to provide you with the best possible map for venturing into the excited new territory that is digital transformation.

Connect the Dots is a summary of our approach to innovation, combined with first-hand insights, case studies, and recommendations for implementing it. It offers a great overview for companies and individuals looking to understand innovation as more than a task or project.

For more details, have look at our reading sample or visit Amazon.

CATHARINA VAN DELDEN is co-founder and CEO of innosabi. She is a prominent voice in the German IT industry and political landscape on topics of digital transformation and the future of work. As part of the presidential committee of bitkom and in other official functions, Catharina contributes her experience with digitalization in large companies and advocates for the interests of the German startup and entrepreneurship scene.

DAVID CHIA is Director Strategy & Innovation at innosabi and responsible for the company’s role as thought leader in the area of innovation and digital transformation. His academic specializations in technology management, communication, psychology, and consumer behavior combined with first-hand experience in the field give David a deep understanding of all aspects of innovation which he applies to shape the future methods and use-cases of innosabi.